Debo reconocer que su autocorrector es el mejor; pero, la calidad de los resultados de Google ha descendido considerablemente. La siguiente búsqueda me trajo un sólo resultado:
"Bruce Lee" "I believe in sleep."
El resultado fue:
(Buscado el 14 de junio del 2023, a las 11:15 AM, República Dominicana)
Estoy seguro de que fue entre los años 2000 y 2004 (usando dial-up) la primera vez que me encontré con esa frase. Ahora, parece que está siendo enterrada. No es la primera vez que ya no encuentro ciertos resultados del pasado, pero esta búsqueda me llamó la atención por retornar sólo un resultado.
Decidí copiar aquí el texto que reencontré.
Did Bruce Lee believe in God?
In Lee’s view, anything that replaced people’s ways and beliefs of self-expression was a step in the wrong direction. For this reason, Lee opposed the doctrines or rather the dogmas of organized religion.
Asked by journalist Alex Ben Block in the summer of 1972 about his religious affiliation, Lee replied: “No.”
Block continued to press Bruce, asking if he believed in God in this case. “To be completely honest, it certainly isn’t.”
The petitioner, Brad, believes that Lee’s answers to these questions are understandable given the depth and nature of his philosophy. Lee believed that we are incarnations of our own soul, and each of the souls is a particle of an unlimited, eternal process. Thus, in any person or organization that adheres to the faith, or if in terms of martial arts, style as something ideal, follow in the wrong direction, far from spiritual growth and self-knowledge. One day, Lee’s younger brother, Robert, asked if Bruce believed in God, to which he replied: “I believe in sleep.”