martes, 14 de julio de 2009

Is easier to run??

Linking Park... How easier is to run from your problems? Sometimes you need to run, but don't leave obstacles that could spoil you later.

Sometimes you run, and then you end stumbling with all the rubbish you forgot to clean. This cleaning is not easy. It is like picking up needles and small pieces of glass: You could get cut, but in the future, this is better than leaving hatred in the way.

In a web page that shows information about chess (Mig On Chess, I think), I found a phrase like "Mistakes always come back to haunt you!" If you need to run, leave the path clean, because you don't know when you will need to walk it again. :-)

2 comentarios:

  1. Dude, as a matter of fact, we all know and understand this, but when the time comes, we don't usually think of it that way, we just want to run, that's the easiest solutions and the faster to help us heal.

    Trust me, i know about that.

    It's like the song says, "sometimes I think of letting it go and never looking back and never moving forward so they'll never be a past."

    It just in the calm after the storm that we realize the best (not the easiest) solution and then go for it, but in the meantime, its easier to run. :)

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. I place myself in the group of people who understand slowly. I don't understand everything.

    Sometimes running away is the BEST, not only the easiest thing we can do.

    Thanks. They'll be in the money-box. :P
