miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

Monkey Hero

Maybe the experiment of the five monkeys and the bananas was for finding the hero.

There is a is story of an experiment with five monkeys. They were kept in a cage, and, in the top of a jail, there is a bunch of bananas. When a monkey tried to reach a bananas, the scientists throwed at them loads of cold water.

After some time, when a monkey tried to grab a banana, the other monkeys started to hit him.

The scientists then replaced one of the monkeys. Then, this monkey tried to grab a banana, and the other monkeys started to hit him.

Then, the scientists replaced another one of the monkeys, and it tried to reach a banana, but the other monkeys started to hit him again... "even the first replaced monkey hitted the second replaced one".

Then, with this pattern, the scientists replaced all of the five veteran monkeys, leaving only 5 new monkeys. These new five monkeys had never received a load of cold water, nevertheless, they didn't try to reach one banana of the bunch in top of the cage.

Why were they so? Maybe their answer could be "Here, things are that way."

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